Project WET
Project WET is dedicated to solving critical environmental challenges by teaching the world about water.
Project WET is Water Education Today. The mission of Project WET is to advance water education to understand global challenges and inspire local solutions. Among many things, Project WET provides curricula and resources focused on water education.
Through an innovative partnership with the Kentucky Division of Water (KDOW), KAEE provides the daily operational activities of Project WET in Kentucky. KDOW serves as the Host Institution of Project WET and provides essential funding for the program as well as a limited number of teacher stipends and curricula guides.
For more information, contact one of the following:
Brittany Wray, KAEE Deputy Director, Kentucky Project WET Co-Coordinator - brittany@kaee.org
Amber Hawkins, Education and Outreach Coordinator - amber.hawkins@ky.gov
Michaela Lambert, Nonpoint Source & Basin Team Supervisor - michaela.lambert@ky.gov