Time & Location
Jul 01, 2023, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM EDT
Newport Aquarium, 1 Levee Wy, Newport, KY 41071
About the Event
Join KAEE environmental education facilitators for a special Aquatic WILD curriculum workshop at the Newport Aquarium!
Aquatic WILD is a subset of nationally recognized Project WILD which provides wildlife-based conservation and environmental education that fosters responsible actions toward wildlife and related natural resources. All curriculum materials are backed by sound educational practices and theory, and represent the work of many professionals within the fields of education and natural resource management from across the country. Aquatic WILD uses the simple, successful format of Project WILD activities and professional training workshops but with an emphasis on aquatic wildlife and aquatic ecology.
Saturday, July 1st
9:00 am - 3:00 pm ET
Riverside Room
Newport Aquarium
1 Levee Wy, Newport, KY 41071
Cost: $50
Includes training, guide, parking, lunch
Formal, non-formal, and pre-service educators are welcome!
Your facilitators:
Dr. Kim Yates, NKU Center for Envrionemental Education
Jennifer Beach, Kenton County Public Library
Dr. Kim Yates, Ed.D.
Associate Professor, Science Education Director, Center for Environmental Education College of Education Northern Kentucky University 859-572-5239 yatesk2@nku.edu